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Culture & Employee Value Proposition (EVP) alignment

Join us to hear more about how to align your culture and Employee Proposition to attract and retain talent and see some examples of best practice from different sectors.

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Culture & Employee Value Proposition (EVP) alignment
Culture & Employee Value Proposition (EVP) alignment

Time & Location

14 Jul 2022, 13:00 – 14:00 BST

Culture & EVP Alignment


The world of work is going through one of its fastest changes in decades. Post-pandemic impacts are being felt by organisations across all sectors. Refocusing on vision and strategy, achieving sustainable funding and growth, brand reputation, ESG and delivering productivity all hinge on your people and the strength and resilience of your organisational culture.

One of the most pressing challenges today, however, is how to attract and retain talent in a highly competitive labour market. It's no longer just a war for talent, it's a talent crisis where organisations need to think differently and respond at pace.

And it all starts with really understanding where you are with your culture today. Uncovering the real strengths in your organisation that make your culture truly differentiated and addressing any culture challenges that exist.

Doing this in the right way is fundamental for developing an Employee Proposition that celebrates your strengths, challenges an aspiration for a better future and helps the talent market select you.

Equally important is truly understanding the mindsets and motivations of your people and talent audiences. Gathering and analysing people data is critical on so many levels - embracing DEI as a true enabler, strengthening your people experience, and for understanding the real expectations of future talent.

People are not looking for perfection; they want to join a confident, ambitious, and self-aware organisation that is a genuine work-in-progress (who just knows what the right things to offer them are).

Join us to hear more about how to align your culture and Employee Proposition to attract and retain talent and see some examples of best practice from different sectors.


  • 1 hour

    Culture & EVP Alignment

    Virtual Meeting

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